Frequently asked questions
Although everyone's pain threshold is different, usually only an unpleasant feeling is felt during permanent makeup and not severe pain. During the procedure, the upper layer of the skin is minimally damaged, and painkillers are also used to reduce unpleasant sensations. There are usually no unpleasant sensations when performing eyebrow permanent makeup. Long-term make-up of the lips and eyelids are a bit more unpleasant, but usually its just an annoying tickling.
Only a healthy person can get permanent makeup done. Otherwise, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
It's not recommended to get permanent makeup for the people who has at least one of the following contraindications:
· Infectious diseases
· Acute diseases
· Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F
· Skin spots in the area of pigmentation (e.g. eczema, warts, melanomas)
· Keloids
· Immune system disorders
· Cardiovascular disorders
· Allergy to anesthetics
· Conjunctivitis (for eye procedures)
· Less than 6 months have passed since eyelid plastic surgery (for eye procedures)
· Epilepsy
· Pregnancy, breastfeeding period
· Diabetes II
· The person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol
· Uses blood thinners
· Takes prescription medications (must consult with treating physician)
· Have blood clotting problems
· Minors without written parental consent
· Having heart or other organ prostheses (needs doctor's permission)
Permanent make-up is not performed on pigmented spots, warts, acne, and scars.
- Before the procedure it is advisable to calculate that the date does not coincide with menstruations, otherwise the skin can be more sensitive
- Prior to the procedure, not to drink coffee, black tea, alcohol
- Three days prior the procedure, the consumption of vitamin C, or other blood thinners preparations. Prior to the procedure, the consumption of painkillers.
- The week prior to the procedure not to take sunbaths
- Avoid tweezing, waxing, electrolysis, and coloring your brows for two weeks prior to the procedure.
- For permanent eyeliner - prior the procedure, remove fake eyelashes
- For lips procedure - It's recommended taking antiviral prescription medication such as ACICLOVIR at least two days before undergoing permanent lip blush treatment. Taking medication before the treatment will help you avoid a cold sore outbreak during the healing process.
- For a week, or until the scabs fall off, you can't visit saunas, swimming pools, solariums
- Do not use cosmetics, wash with soap, or apply make-up on the damaged skin
- If permanent makeup is applied to the eyes or eyebrows, the hair can be chemically dyed only after 2 weeks
- Face cleansing should be done no earlier than a week later
- Sunbathing only after 3-4 weeks
- After eye permanent makeup, eyelash extensions can be done no earlier than 2 weeks later
- After micropigmentation of the lips, it is recommended to use anti-herpes medicine as a preventive measure after consultation with the doctor.
Two hours after the procedure, clean the drawing with a cotton pad dipped in water. If lymph is visible, it is possible to clean for two days after the procedure, every 2 hours. If you feel an unpleasant feeling of dryness, stretching, the skin is flaky when the scar starts to form, you can apply a thin layer of vitamin A+D to the pigmentation area. The resulting scab cannot be peeled, scraped, or dug. It is very important that it falls off by itself.
After the procedure, the color intensity is 30-60% brighter than the final result. Pigments introduced into the skin stabilize within 7 days, but may still change within 1-3 months. So you can see the final result no earlier than after 3-4 weeks.
If only one procedure was performed, after which the result seemed good, there is a good chance that the result obtained from it will not be long-lasting. Therefore, it is recommended to perform a touch-up after the first procedure. The touch-up must be made no earlier than after 3 weeks and no later than after 3 months.
The longevity of permanent makeup is shortened if:
- We often sunbathe. The paint molecule is destroyed by infrared rays (sunbaths, UV lamps)
- The skin is polished mechanically
- If the body tolerates foreign bodies poorly
Eyebrows change their color only by using low-quality pigments (even worse - for tattoos) or by choosing the wrong shade, regardless of the pigmentation of the client's skin. Quality permanent makeup with quality products will fade over time without changing color.
There are many different ways to apply permanent makeup. The shape, color and intensity are always chosen individually, taking into account the client's facial features and wishes. So it is always possible to adapt something that suits you. Before the procedure, a pencil sketch is drawn on your face. The sketch can be adjusted until the client and the permanent makeup artist decide that it is the best option.
After the eyebrow long-term make-up procedure, the eyebrows and forehead area may turn a little red. If it does not interfere, you can go to work immediately after the procedure. There is a bit different lips and eyelids. These two zones always swell during the procedure: some more, others less. The swelling of the lips usually begins to subside within a couple of hours, but if the body is more sensitive, it may be slightly swollen 1-2 days after the procedure. The swelling of the eyes usually lasts for a couple of days, and it is the ugliest in the morning of the next day. In case of a more sensitive body, the swelling can last for about 3 days. For these reasons, I always recommend having at least one day off after eye and lip permanent makeup procedures.
If you are planning to undergo eyelid plastic surgery in the next 1-2 years, it is not advisable to apply long-term eyelid makeup. Stretched skin during surgery can severely distort the long-term makeup of the eyelid.
If you have undergone eyelid plastic surgery, permanent eyelid makeup can only be done at least half a year after the surgery. Even better if at least a year passes. Doing it earlier greatly increases the risk of spilled permanent makeup.
Pure black pigment is not used for long-term eyebrow make-up because when the eyebrows heal, the introduced color ALWAYS cools down. This means that the black color changes to a very ugly cold gray color. Such eyebrows will look very unnatural immediately after healing, and over time the color will only look worse. A dark brown color is used to create dark brows, which doesn't look brown when healed, but doesn't have a cold, dead tone either. Also, it should be understood that not all cases of long-term makeup can replace decorative cosmetics. In order to get very bright, dark eyebrows, you will still need to use decorative cosmetics.
Drinking coffee before a permanent makeup procedure is generally discouraged for a few reasons:
- Increased Heart Rate: Coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that can elevate your heart rate and blood pressure. This heightened physiological state may lead to increased blood flow, potentially resulting in more bleeding during the procedure. Excessive bleeding can make it challenging for the technician to achieve precise and lasting results.
- Jautrumas ir diskomfortas: žinoma, kad kofeinas padidina jautrumą, o padidėjus jautrumui atliekant permanentinio makiažo procedūrą, patirtis gali būti nemaloni.
- Padidėjusio patinimo galimybė: kofeinas gali prisidėti prie dehidratacijos, o dehidratacija gali padidinti patinimą.
- Anestetiko veiksmingumas: Permanentinio makiažo metu, siekiant sumažinti diskomfortą, naudojamas vietinis anestetikas. Kofeinas gali slopinti anestetiko veiksmingumą, todėl procedūra klientui tampa nemalonesnė.
- On the first day after the procedure, drain with a wet cotton pad (if lymph is released)
- Do not wet it for 5-7 days
- After 3 days after the procedure, start applying the healing cream (BEPANTHEN+)
- Do not touch or remove the formed scabs
- Do not visit saunas or swimming pools for 2 weeks
- Avoid direct sunlight (solarium) for 3 weeks
- After 2.5 - 3 months consultation and repeat the procedure (if necessary)
You can definitely wash your face or your hair after the permanent makeup procedure. If the affected area gets wet, nothing bad happens to it. It is important to dry the skin gently without rubbing after washing.
However, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to visit saunas and swimming pools for two weeks after the procedure, as the permanent makeup that has just been applied does not like hot humidity, it can cause it to heal unevenly.
- The lips will be slightly swollen after the procedure, so you should not have any important plans after the visit
- A few days before the visit, moisturize the lips more intensively so that they are not dry or chapped during the visit. Pigment will be absorbed better
- Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin C for 48 hours before the procedure
- Do not drink coffee before the procedure
- If you have frequent cold sores, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about prophylactic cold sore medications